日期 | 时间 | 内容 |
4月21日 April 21 | 全天 All Day | 注册报到 Check-in |
13:00-17:10 | 青年学者论坛1 Early Career Forum 1 主持人:张娇娇、肇涛澜 Host: Jiaojiao Zhang, Taolan Zhao 13:00-13:15 闫宁副研究员,中国农业科学院烟草研究所 Yan Ning, Associate Professor, Tobacco Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 中国菰米类黄酮生物活性评价及生物合成关键基因鉴定 Bioactivity evaluation of flavonoids in Chinese wild rice (Zizania latifolia) and identification of key genes for their biosynthesis
13:15-13:30 陈宁博副教授,西北农林科技大学 Ningbo Chen,Associate Professor, Northwest A&F University 近期自然选择和适应性渗入帮助青藏高原黄牛快速适应高海拔环境 Recent selection and adaptative introgression facilitated high-altitude adapatation in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau cattle
13:30-13:40 宋佳平博士,安徽科技学院 Jiaping Song, PhD, Anhui University of Science and Technology 基于线虫响应的水稻土壤硒阈值研究 Study on selenium threshold in rice soil based on nematode response
13:40-13:50 杨湜烟博士,上海市农业科学院 Shiyan Yang, PhD, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences 追踪从源头到受体的镉污染:一种以健康风险为中心的转移连续体方法 Tracking cadmium pollution from source to receptor: A health-risk focused transfer continuum approach
13:50-14:00 张闯闯博士,上海交通大学 Chuangchuang Zhang, PhD, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 去除淀粉颗粒相关表面脂质影响热湿处理的无壳大麦淀粉的结构 Removing starch granule-associated surface lipids affects structure of heat-moisture treated hull-less barley starch
14:00-14:10 刘连亮副研究员,宁波大学 Lianliang Liu, Associate Professor, Ningbo University 全谷物健康:燕麦多酚和β-葡聚糖协同增效调控肠道菌群和代谢综合征 Whole grain health: oat polyphenols and β-glucan work synergistically to regulate intestinal flora and metabolic syndrome
14:10-14:20 刘伟博士,Glasgow University Wei Liu, PhD,Glasgow University 植物UV-B感光体UVR8作用的新机制 A novel mechanism of plant UV-B photoreceptor UVR8 action
墙报闪电演讲1 Poster Flash Talk 1 14:20-14:23 黄皓博士,丽水学院 Hao Huang, PhD, Yeosu University 基于两亲性和生物相容性DNA折纸的乳液构建及纳米孔控释用于抗黑色素生成治疗 Amphiphilic and biocompatible DNA origami-based emulsion formation and nanopore release for anti-melanogenesis therapy 14:23-14:26 TBD 14:26-14:29 TBD 14:30-15:10 茶歇 Coffee break
青年学者论坛2 Early Carrer Forum 2 主持人:杜彬、胡煜明 Host: Bin Du, Yuming Hu 15:10-15:25 曾咏伦研究员,中科院华南植物园 Yonglun Zeng, Professor, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences 植物囊泡运输与环境胁迫 Plant vesicle transport and environmental stress
15:25-15:40 杜娟副研究员,浙江大学 Juan Du, Associate Professor, Zhejiang University 高分辨率解剖学和空间转录组分析揭示了杨树茎次级维管组织中的两种类型的分生细胞池 High-resolution anatomical and spatial transcriptome analyses reveal two types of meristematic cell pools within the secondary vascular tissue of poplar stem
15:40-15:50 徐烨成博士,浙江省农业科学院 Yecheng Xu, PhD, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences 迈向粮食系统多样化:中国浙江现代农业工业园区的启示 Towards the Diversify Food Systems: Lessons from Modern Agricultural Industrial Parks in Zhejiang, China
15:50-16:00 徐凡博士,西南大学 Fan Xu, PhD, Southwest University SD/ICE2模块通过平衡ABA/GA比率调节水稻种子的休眠 SD/ICE2 module regulates rice seed dormancy through balancing ABA/GA ratio
16:00-16:10 田益夫博士,崖州湾种子实验室 Yifu Tian PhD, Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory HiBiT基因座内标记用于高效检测水稻中的蛋白质 HiBiT in-locus tagging for efficient protein detection in rice
16:10-16:20 张杨,中国林业科学院 Yang Zhang, Chinese Academy of Forestry 地理位置和土壤肥力对中国莱奇诺品种初榨橄榄油中主要酚类化合物和脂肪酸组成的影响 Effect of geographical location and soil fertility on main phenolic compounds and fatty acids compositions of virgin olive oil from Leccino cultivar in China
16:20-16:30 陈一凡,安徽农业大学 Yifan Chen, Anhui Agricultural University 基于深度学习与靶向代谢组学实现对茶园咀嚼式害虫的监测和防御化合物的筛选 Deep learning and targeted metabolomics-based monitoring of chewing insects in tea plants and screening defense compounds 墙报闪电演讲2 Poster Flash Talk 2 16:30-16:23 TBD 16:23-16:26 TBD 16:26-16:29 TBD 16:30-17:10 圆桌 Panel discussion | |
17:00-19:30 | 晚餐 Dinner | |
19:00-21:00 | 墙报展示 Poster Session | |
20:00-21:00 | 现代农业编委会(闭门) Modern Agriculture EBM meeting (Private) |
Early Bird Price(March 20th) | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥1500 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1000 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2000 |
After March 21st and On-Site | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥2000 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1400 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2500 |