日期 | 时间 | 内容 |
4月23日 April 23 | 8:30-12:10 | 资源与环境 Resource & Environment 4月23日上午 April 23 AM 8:30-12:10 主持人:陈寻峰、胡煜明 Host: Xunfeng Chen, Yuming Hu
8:30-8:55 徐建明教授,浙江大学 Jianming Xu, Professor, Zhejiang University 重金属污染破坏土壤微生物食物网中的营养相互作用 Heavy metal contamination collapses trophic interactions in the soil microbial food web 8:55-9:20 Y. Martin Lo教授,深圳大学高等研究院 Y. Martin Lo, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University 生态融合是可持续农业的关键 Ecological reintegration is the key to sustainable agriculture
9:20-9:45 施卫明研究员,中国科学院南京土壤研究所 Weiming Shi, Professor, Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 农业面源污染防控与美丽水乡 Prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution for the beauty of water towns
9:45-10:15 茶歇 Coffee break
10:15-10:40 虞轶俊研究员,浙江省耕地质量与肥料管理总站 Yijun Yu, Professor, Zhejiang Province Arable Land Quality and Fertilizer Management Station 浙江省土壤健康行动的探索与实践 Exploration and practice of soil health action in Zhejiang Province
10:40-11:05 赵丽娟教授,南京大学 Lijuan Zhao, Professor, Nanjing University 植物纳米生物技术培育气候韧性作物 Engineering climate-resilient crops via Plant Nanobiotechnology
11:05-11:30 杨易教授,重庆大学 Yi Yang, Professor, Chongqing University 气候变化对农业可持续发展的挑战 Challenges of Climate Change to Agricultural Sustainability
11:30-12:10 圆桌 Panel discussion
营养与健康 Nutrition & Health 4月23日上午 April 23 AM 8:30-12:10 主持人:刘连亮、郭亚方 Host: Lianliang Liu, Yafang Guo
8:30-8:55 刘春明教授,北京大学 Chunming Liu, Professor, Peking University 基本膳食营养理念与稻米营养品质改良 Basic dietary nutrition concept and improvement of rice nutritional quality
8:55-9:20 高坚教授,华中农业大学 Jian Gao, Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University 淡水鱼高度不饱和脂肪酸合成机理 The mechanism of highly unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in freshwater fish
9:20-9:45 孙嘉教授,江南大学 Jia Sun, Professor, Jiangnan University 肠道微生态调节与系统健康 Gut microbiota regulation and systemic health
9:45-10:15 茶歇 Coffee break 10:15-10:40 武振龙教授,中国农业大学 Zhenlong Wu, Professor, China Agricultural University 利用晶体氨基酸开发节粮增效型猪低蛋白日粮 Formulation of low-protein diet using crystal amino acids and its application in swine production
10:40-11:05 袁媛研究员,中国中医科学院 Yuan Yuan, Professor, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 药食同源天麻生产“提质增效”的关键技术研究 Research on the key technology of "improving quality and efficiency" in the production of medicinal and food homologous gastrodia
11:05-11:30 赵超教授,福建农林大学 Chao Zhao, Professor, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 海藻低聚糖及其营养应用 Marine algal oligosaccharides and their nutritional applications 11:30-12:10 圆桌 Panel discussion
农业交叉科学2 Interdisciplinary Agriculture 2 4月23日上午 April 23 AM 8:30-12:10 主持人:吴洪洪、肇涛澜 Host: Honghong Wu, Taolan Zhao
8:30-8:55 林荣呈研究员,中国科学院植物研究所 Rongcheng Lin, Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences 细胞核和叶绿体之间的信号通讯 Signal communication between the nucleus and chloroplast
8:55-9:20 尹雪斌教授,安徽科技学院 Xuebin Yin, Professor, Anhui University of Science and Technology 中国功能农业15年研究与实践:2008-2023年 15 years of research and practice of functional agriculture in China: 2008-2023
9:20-9:45 张志剑副教授,浙江大学 Zhijian Zhang, Associate professor, Zhejiang University 基于健康农业的昆虫制品创新设计与产业化应用 Innovative design and industrial application of insect products based on healthy agriculture
9:45-10:15 茶歇 Coffee break 10:15-10:40 王冠云教授,浙江大学 Guanyun Wang, Professor, Zhejiang University 智能材料驱动的变形设计研究与应用 Research and application of intelligent material-driven deformation design
10:40-11:05 常玉晓研究员,中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所 Yuxiao Chang, Professor, Institute of Agricultural Genomics, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences “以质换价,以质换速”——低成本、高通量基因型检测文库构建的新技术开发与应用 Strategic tradeoffs between quality and cost/speed in the development of novel method for cost-effective, high-throughput genotyping for breeding
11:05-11:30 徐湘博副研究员,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 Xiangbo Xu, Associate professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences 土地转入规模、土地经营规模与全生命周期作物种植碳排放 Land transfer-in scale, land operating scale and life cycle carbon emissions of crop planting
11:30-12:10 圆桌 Panel discussion
4月23日 | 12:00-14:00 | 午餐 Lunch |
14:00-17:00 | 现代农业产业考察 Agricultural Innovation Park |
Early Bird Price(March 20th) | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥1500 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1000 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2000 |
After March 21st and On-Site | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥2000 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1400 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2500 |