日期 | 时间 | 内容 |
4月22日April 22 | 9:00-14:00 | 开幕式 Opening Remarks 9:00-9:30 开幕式及嘉宾致辞 Opening Remarks 9:30-9:40 100个未来农业的重要问题发布会 100 Essential Questions in Modern Agriculture Announcement 主会场论坛 Keynote Session 9:40-10:10 张启发院士,华中农业大学 Qifa Zhang,Academician, Huazhong Agricultural University 奉献对人类和地球都健康的食品 Providing foods healthy for both mankind and the planet
10:10-10:40 朱永官院士,中国科学院城市环境研究所 Yongguan Zhu,Academician, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences 利用土壤微生物组促进行星健康 Harnessing soil microbiome for planetary health
10:40-10:45 Modern Agriculture期刊创刊会
10:45-11:15 Jim Whelan院士(澳州科学院),La Trobe University、浙江大学 Jame Whelan, Academician, La Trobe University, Zhejiang University 发芽大麦籽粒的空间分辨转录组学分析 Spatially Resolved Transcriptomic Analysis of the Germinating Barley Grain
11:15-11:45 印遇龙院士,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 Yulong Yin,Academician, Institute of Subtropical Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 功能农业种养一体化研究与思考 Research and thinking on the integration of functional agriculture and breeding
11:45-12:00 大会合影 Conference photography
12:00-14:00 低碳健康星球午餐 Planetary Lunch |
14:00-17:40 | 主题论坛 Sessions 农业生产 Agricultural Production 4月22日下午 April 22 PM 14:00-17:40 主持人:曾为、肇涛澜 Host: Wei Zeng, Taolan Zhao 14:00-14:25 张献龙教授,华中农业大学 Xianlong Zhang, Professor,Huazhong Agricultural University 棉花纤维发育过程中的异源多倍体基因组学和调节组动力学 Allopolyploid genomics and regulome dynamics during cotton fiber development 14:25- 14:50 吴家胜教授,浙江农林大学 Jiasheng Wu,Professor,Zhejiang A&F University 香榧基因组及其重要品质形成机理解析 Torreya genome and the genetic regulation mechanism of its important nut-quality traits 14:50-15:15 巩志忠教授,中国农业大学 Zhizhong Gong, Professor, China Agricultural University VDAL在农业中的应用 The Applications of VDAL in Agriculture
15:15-15:45 茶歇 Coffee break 15:45-16:10 严建兵教授,华中农业大学 Jianbing Yan, Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University 玉蜀黍的驯化与选择 Domestication and selection of maize 16:10-16:35 谢旗研究员,先正达集团 Qi Xie, Professor, Syngenta Group 中囯可持续发展探索之路 China explores the road of sustainable development 16:35-17:00 于长青博士,北京易科泰生态技术有限公司 Dr.Changqing Yu, Beijing Ecotech Co., Ltd 叶绿素荧光高光谱成像技术及其应用 Chlorophyll fluorescence hyperspectral imaging technology and its applications 17:00-17:40 圆桌 Panel discussion
农业社会与经济 Society & Economics 4月22日下午 April 22 PM 14:00-17:40 主持人:盛誉、胡煜明 Host: Yu Sheng, Yuming Hu 14:00-14:25 刘宇教授,北京大学 Yu Liu, Professor, Peking University 中国经济与排放对碳中和的影响 The impact of economic and emission in China toward carbon neutrality 14:25-14:50 方言研究员,国家粮食安全政策咨询委员会 Yan Fang, Professor, National Food Security Policy Advisory Committee 题目待定 TBD 14:50-15:15 王国勤,联合国环境署国际生态系统管理伙伴计划 Ms. Guoqin Wang, UN Environment’s International Partnership on Ecosystem Management 基于生态系统适应的非洲粮食系统韧性 Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Food System Resilience in Africa 15:15-15:45 茶歇 Coffee break 15:45-16:10 盛誉教授,北京大学 Yu Sheng, Professor, Peking University 采用BT棉花是否会提高中国棉花总产量:来自县级分析的证据 Does BT adoption increase aggregate cotton yield in China: evidence from county-level analysis 16:10-16:35 白军飞教授,中国农业大学 Junfei Bai, Professor, China Agricultural University 现代农业:人工智能带来的机遇与挑战 Modern agriculture: opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence (AI) 16:35-17:00 Ziping Wu教授,Agri-food & Biosciences Institute, UK Ziping Wu, Professor, Agri-food & Biosciences Institute, UK 如何使农业气候政策与更广泛的生态系统和社会经济目标相一致 Align agricultural climate policy with wider ccosystem and socio-economic objectives 17:00-17:40 圆桌 Panel discussion
农业交叉科学1 Interdisciplinary Agriculture 1 4月22日下午 April 22 PM 14:00-17:40 主持人:魏桐、郭亚方 Host: Tong Wei, Yafang Guo 14:00-14:25 戚益军教授,清华大学 Yijun Qi, Professor, Tsinghua University 植物中的RNA调控 RNA regulation in plants 14:25-14:50 孔照胜教授,山西农业大学、中国科学院微生物研究所 Zhaosheng Kong, Professor, Shanxi Agricultural University, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 杂粮生物育种守护健康中国 Biological breeding of grains protects healthy China 14:50-15:15 于菲菲教授,中国农业大学 Feifei Yu, Professor, China Agricultural University 高粱耐盐碱基因挖掘及功能探究 Alkaline tolerance 1 regulates alkaline tolerance in crops
15:15-15:45 茶歇 Coffee break 15:45-16:10 田志喜研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 Zhixi Tian, Professor, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences SoyOmics:大豆功能基因组与设计育种平台 SoyOmics: Soybean functional genome and design breeding platform 16:10-16:35 刘启昆研究员,北京大学 Qikun Liu, Professor, Peking University DDR4-ISWI通过改变核小体分布来缓解转录沉默 DDR4-ISWI relieves transcriptional silencing by altering nucleosome distribution 16:35-17:00 郑文山博士,墨卓生物 Dr.Wenshan Zheng, Mozo Biotechnology 高通量单细胞微生物基因组学——Microbe-seq High-throughput single-microbe genomics — Microbe-seq 17:00-17:40 圆桌 Panel discussion
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17:30-19:30 | 晚餐 Dinner | |
19:00-21:00 | 企业论坛 Business Forum 4月22日晚 April 22 PM 19:00-21:00 主持人:徐炳祥、唐广辉 Host: Bingxiang Xu, Guanghui Tang 19:00-19:15 赵钢勇总经理 天津坤禾生物科技集团股份有限公司 改善土壤微生态-提升作物生产力 Improving soil microbiology- enhancing crop productivity
19:15-19:30 李国政CEO,成都德鲁伊科技有限公司 牲畜资产数字化有助于通过行为识别人工智能实现创新高效的业务 Digitalizing livestock assets facilitates innovative and efficient business leveraged by behavior recognition artificial intelligence 19:30-19:45 王利平总经理,厦门市秋廷辣木原材料有限公司 辣木在功能农业中的位置和作用 The role of Moringa in functional agriculture
19:45-20:00 TBD
20:00-20:15 TBD
20:15-20:55 圆桌 Panel discussion:王菲总监,先正达集团
期刊论坛 Meet the Editors 4月22日晚 April 22 PM 19:00-21:00 主持人:张冰、谭玉玲
19:00-19:15 杨扬博士,Cell Yang Yang, PhD, Cell 发表论文——编辑观点 Getting your paper published– an editor’s perspective
19:15-19:30 巩志忠教授,JIPB Zhizhong Gong, Professor, JIPB JIPB投稿及发表 JIPB: submission and publication
19:30-19:45 金双侠教授,PBJ Shuangxia Jin, Professor, PBJ PBJ: 一本新兴的植物学前沿研究主流期刊 PBJ: An Emerging Dominant Journal for Plant Cutting -edge Research
19:45-20:00 李继平编审,AROH Jiping Li, Deputy Editor, AROH
20:00-20:10 张冰,Wiley编辑 Bing Zhang, Commissioning Editor at Wiley 题目待定 TBD
20:10-20:20 TBD
20:20-21:00 圆桌 Panel discussion |
Early Bird Price(March 20th) | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥1500 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1000 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2000 |
After March 21st and On-Site | |
Representatives of Universities and Scientific Research Institutes | ¥2000 |
Full-time Graduate or Postdoctoral | ¥1400 |
Representative of Enterprises | ¥2500 |